Paul's Wakeboarding (7/30/11)
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Bob & Lyna

I knew this was coming, and I couldn't wait to tell everyone.  Bob, Lyna and Barbara (Lyna's sister) will be with us the entire week - Mon. - Sun. - at Lake Lure.  Always love being around them...and I'll have a whole week to convince Lyna to help take over my company's A/R.  Speaking of debt, we all owe a debt of gratitude to Bob for his handling of Uncle George's "move".  NOTE:  Stay tuned for the movie of that event....courtesy of Shelley's photos and videos.


Your name: Bob Buckley

Arrival Date: 07/25/2011

Estimated arrival time:: 04:00 pm

Departure Date: 07/31/2011

Estimated Departure Time: 08:00 am

Total number in your group: 3

Names of those coming with you: Bob, Lyna, Barbara (Lyna's sister)

Do you have a place to stay yet?: Yes

If yes, where will you be staying?: Cove Cottage located on Paradise Point, Lake Lure


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