Paul's Wakeboarding (7/30/11)
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Leigh Garst


Leigh was our big "surprise" last year as no one knew that she was going to be @ Lake Lure.  You should've seen the looks on the faces of Karol, Beth, Katie and Brent when they saw her.  Unfortunately, Leigh won't be able to come this year.  She's just taken some time off to be with Brent & Katie who visited her in Scotland.  And, she'd landed more work that will keep her busy.  We'll miss having her with us, but we'll Skype with her while we're there.


Name: Leigh Garst

Reason you won't be able to join us: I got a two month contract digging a Neolithic/Bronze Age site in Inverness Scotland. Wish I could be there!

Would you be interested in possibly getting together next year?: Yes

What would be the most convenient week / month for you?: No idea I have no set plans past September!




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